Infrared Inspections

Serving Calgary, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, Red Deer, Edmonton & More

Our technicians are specialists in the fields that they serve
Downtime is costly, but invasive inspections that cause interruptions can be both expensive and useless if no problem is discovered. IR Inspections are a non-destructive process and do not interrupt the operation of business, making IR an integral part of any Predictive & Preventative Maintenance Program.
With this technology, we can point out problems and areas of concern that cannot be detected through a visual inspection, such as loose connections, faulty or overloaded breakers, imbalanced loads, issues within disconnects, motor windings and bearings which exhibit abnormal heating and much more.

What is inspected?
Typically we recommend including the following equipment in our surveys:
Electrical Systems
- Substations
- Transmission Lines
- Transformers
- Switch Gear
- Buss Ducts
- MCC’s
- CDP’s
- Disconnects
- Starters
- Branch Circuit Panels
- Electrical splices and Joints
- Capacitor Banks
Mechanical Systems
- Electric Motors
- Bearings
- Chillers
- Lieberts
- HVAC Equipment
- Checking of Coils to identify or for verification of plugged tubes
- Boilers
- Generators
- Steam Traps and Valves
- Engines
Other Areas of Interest
- Petrochemical Applications
- Building Envelopes
- Roof Inspections
- Animals