Ultrasound Inspections

Serving Calgary, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, Red Deer, Edmonton & More

Not all failing equipment gives off heat, but most offer some indications of failure. To keep your maintenance schedule proactive, we offer a complete suite of non-invasive inspections services including Ultrasound inspections.

Used for equipment reliability and energy conservation, our ultrasound instruments start listening at 20 kHz, about 4 kHz above the normal, upper range. Using ultrasound inspection, we can pinpoint potential failures, giving you time to proactively fix prospective problems.

Ultrasound inspections work in conjunction with other PdM technologies (such as infrared thermography, etc) to give you a robust predictive and preventative maintenance routine.

The UE Ultraprobe is used for Ultrasound inspection.

Leak Detection Applications Include:

  • Compressed air & gas leak detection
  • Vacuum leaks
  • Steam leaks to atmosphere

Electrical Inspection Application Include:

  • Corona
  • Tracking
  • Arcing
  • Partial Discharge

Structural Applications Include:

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