Detecting Electrical Hazards with Electrical Thermal Imaging
Electrical thermal imaging inspections can help detect electrical issues and hazards and prevent an eventual catastrophe. Electrical thermal imaging is one of the tools used to acquire data to enable us to produce and provide an informative report, which will assist the client in directing a precise and accurate repair to the issue. By hiring someone using this technology, businesses and individuals can identify electrical issues and hazards before they can become a catastrophic electrical failure.
Electrical thermal imaging can detect:
- Loose connections
- Faulty or overloaded breakers
- Imbalanced loads
- Issues with disconnects
- Motor windings and bearings that exhibit abnormal heating
- Corrosion
- And much more
Having an electrical thermal imaging inspection completed can help extend the life of your equipment and electrical systems and reduce unscheduled downtime or interruption to business, as well as the risk of overheating and potentially even fire. We suggest electrical thermal imaging inspections to get accurate information about the condition of your electrical systems, new or old. Brand new systems should be inspected to ensure the end user has received a good quality product, and should that not be the case, they then can exercise their right for warranty repairs. By finding out in advance of a problem, you can increase worker safety and the safety of everyone who interacts with your electrical equipment.
Electrical thermal imaging uses infrared technology as part of a preventative maintenance program. Electrical thermal imaging technology gathers thermal information from non-contact thermal imaging equipment. All objects display differences in temperature, or thermal energy, and a certified trained individual can also identify areas that should be hot versus areas that should not.
Certified Thermographers use electrical thermal imaging equipment to perform this service. The electrical thermal imaging process is non-destructive and doesn’t interrupt the operation of your business. It is also very important to utilize certified electrical personnel when opening and accessing live electrical equipment to help minimize the risk of personal injury to those performing the inspection work as well as those in the area the work is being performed. This is not only good practice but is part of the Canadian electrical code.
Detecting electrical hazards can help prevent more serious problems, including:
- Unscheduled downtime
- introduction to work process
- Fires
- Equipment damage
- Power outages
- Explosions
- The safety for occupants and the building and even potential personal injury should an incident or occur
Electrical thermal imaging limits downtime and prevents unplanned shutdowns, unwanted overtime by streamlining repair and maintenance planning. Electrical thermal imaging results in cost and energy savings, the protection of equipment and capital, reduced insurance premiums and helps establish repair priorities.
Heat Seeking Thermal Imaging employs certified Thermographers as well as journeyman or Master Electricians to detect electrical hazards before they become harmful to your business. Located in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, Heat Seeking serves Alberta, British Columbia and Saskatchewan as well as the rest of Canada.