CSA Z32 Testing
Serving Calgary, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, Red Deer, Edmonton & More
Government regulations, like CSA-Z32, require extra steps in the building process that can slow down construction. Using thermal imaging and IR we complete quick, effective inspections of patient care facilities to ensure compliance without interrupting the building process.
CSA-Z32.2: Branch circuit wiring in patient care areas

CSA-Z32 uses a prescriptive model to ensure wiring in patient care areas is safe and effective. Furthermore, it requires 3rd party verification testing to ensure compliance.
Facilities required to meet CSA-Z32
According to the Alberta Building Code STANDATA CEC-24 “Canadian Electrical Code, Section 24 – Patient Care Areas”, Section 24 rules apply to health care facilities beyond the traditional hospital locations including, but not limited to:
- Dental clinics
- Physician’s offices
- Chiropractic clinics
The Owner (and or) Installer will retain the services of an independent 3rd party testing agent to perform tests of the system as specified and as required by CAN 5/CSA-Z32.2.
Purpose of CSA-Z32
Patient care area receptacle testing is intended to verify the integrity of electrical services for patient care and treatment facilities. The testing is to be performed by the testing personnel who will confirm acceptability of the final electrical installations in patient care areas and be used as a basis for routine repeated testing required by the Canadian Standard CAN/CSA-Z32.2-M89, Electrical Safety in Patient Care Areas.
Patient care areas are classified as basic, intermediate or critical care areas generally corresponding to casual, external and internal contact procedures respectively.
Risk classified patient rooms may contain at least one housekeeping or convenience outlet in addition to the patient care outlets. Housekeeping/convenience outlets do not require testing.
The testing procedures are not to be considered as part of the installation process but rather the basic purpose is to ensure the performance of the system with all components in their proper place physically and electrically.
Time of testing
The tests are performed only after the electrical contractor/electrician has achieved a fully operational system and provided us with (and all devices are installed, all wiring terminated, circuits are energized, panel directories installed and as-built drawings complete) as-built drawings (electronic & paper copies) for the testing personnel.