Facts to Remember About Electrical Thermal Imaging/IR

electrical thermal imaging

Remember, it’s infrared, IR. Electrical thermal imaging is not some sort of voodoo and is not an x-ray. “If you cannot visually see the item you are trying to shoot then you can’t shoot it.” If people tell you they do not have to remove the covers of electrical equipment to perform this service, this…

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Make Cuts in Predictive Preventive Maintenance Rates

predictive preventative maintenance

During what most would consider tough economic times, which are present in Canada and United States currently, this is definitely not the time for organizations, companies and groups to back away from predictive preventative maintenance. Often, when companies do start cutting predictive preventive maintenance, this reaction is due to mandates from upper management to slash…

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Can YOU afford NOT to do it?

 Can YOU afford NOT to do it? Assisting with your Maintenance Process. Thermography allows us to help all our clients save millions of dollars per year. Preventive maintenance is a necessity to facilitate effective business practices.  It requires the knowledge and the effective handling and interpretation and gathering of proper information to make informed decisions. A suitable thermal imaging…

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